To the pathetic times that have been creeping in
since time immemorial in the land of not one but multiple races called India.
Irony, as to what the so called orthodox people claim the youth of this nation
to be falling prey of: western culture is rather a land of people who are
utterly confused about their tradition, caught in the cobweb of hollow customs
without meaningful explanations.
Dating back to the oldest times, we have heard this over and again, India is
the place where Kama sutra was first written, women were respected, and sex was
not such an eyebrow raising issue. So what has changed now, why rapes,
atrocities, indiscrimination against the idol figure called women, have crept in?
Some may claim the advent of the British colonial rule. As the British officers
back in the time ‘introduced ‘raping the Indian girls, prostitution et cetera.
Some texts bear testimony to the fact or myth (whatever one may prefer to refer
it as) that India wasn't always so orthodox, in the olden times Indian women
were allowed to indulge in polyandry, had the freedom to wear what now-a-days
people might irresponsibly refer to as exposing; contrary to what the women in
Europe were forced to clad in body hugging, suffocating corsets.
So we can go on arguing this futile argument about the actual tradition of our
country, and it’s not about being like the West, it’s about getting back to our
own roots, what India used to be some millennium before. We need to get over
this sophism and we need to face the fact, every culture goes through a series
of weathering, changes are ushered in, some good, some bad. There’s really no
point playing the blame game. The million dollar question is why we don’t we
feel safe in our own country? Why the way a girl dresses up has become such a
contentious issue? Why going out late at night especially for a girl is a
matter of concern? The list of questions doesn't end here I can pose many more
questions pertaining to the problems of being a girl. Is being the possessor of
the X-chromosome such a crime? See I tried restricting my self and there shot
another question mark.
By all accounts we will reach at one misused, abused, banal answer: the girl
needs to be married and her virginity must remain intact before that. It is an
appalling fact that most of the people if asked will converge to this filthy,
unreasonable explanation. It leaves me aghast when I see a woman displaying
indiscriminate behavior toward another woman, which is pretty much a scene in
many houses in India. For instance, the mother or the grandmother or the aunts
supporting the boy for any of his faults over the girl, or the mother-in-law’s
ruthless behavior towards her daughter in law, and so on and so forth. And moving
on to the rape scene, it’s no more about safeguarding ourselves from the
strangers, rather, many of the rapes happen by members within the family
itself, with the burgeoning news of fathers and brothers being involved in
sexual assaults. And yet another question is who all do we need to safeguard
ourselves from. The answer doesn't lie with the government or the police or the
law and order, it lies within us.
What we need to have is a change in mentality. Even in the times of growth and
development people are caught in this delusional idea that only a son can raise
a family, only sons can carry forward
the generation. The boy of the family must be fed well, given a better
education over the daughter. But most importantly the boys must be taught to
respect (if not worship) a girl. The families posing to be extravagantly religious,
idol worshiping female goddesses should first teach their sons to be respectful
to the girls. It’s all in the up bringing and how the society perceives women.
Girls are not to be taken for granted, they are not weak, they are the source
of life on earth, and a woman needs to empathize with other woman. They are not
to be used as a commodity.
The recent mass insurrection against the gang rape of the brave-heart is what
the nation requires. But as we know the public memory is weak, I hope that this
voice against injustice doesn’t disappear in the banality. Although I pray that
there is never any precedence that may give rise to another call for justice.
We can teach our brothers, sons, husbands to act human in the real sense and
know the importance of respecting the fellow girls, along with a complete
assurance from the government and the law to take care of us. This issue requires
a holistic approach at every level. And the least we can expect is the
unwarranted comments from the uneducated politicians regarding preventing rapes.
Because rape is not a disease that the victim suffers from, it’s a malaise of
the mind of the rapist.
And so it’s not about following any particular culture. India is facing what I
may prefer to call a phase of adolescence. We are standing at the confluence of
the different generations trying to prove their ideals right. We need to go
with the flow, accept what’s good, discard what’s not, because this isn't a
land that belongs to one culture, race or ideal, it belongs to all those
numerous civilizations that have intermingled to give it, its characteristic
name, the land of diversity. Hence one cannot blame the way of living of a
person for the rampant crimes, thereby completely nullifying the fault of the
criminals and in turn vindicating the victims; this in context to the claim
that wearing short clothes puts girls in trouble, or eating “Chowmein” causes
men to rape or when Didi (Mamta Banerjee) said and I quote “Rapes happen
because girls and boys talk frankly”. It is outrageously irresponsible on part
of the politicians to bring in stupid rules to curb the so called drift towards
the west and it is lame on part of us, the youth to try to become something we
are not. This sounds easy to say and difficult to implement, but all we need is
a slight change in the mind set, and things might not seem so convoluted then.
Just give it a thought.